Essential Oils for Kiddos!
I had heard so much from friends and co-workers about "essential oils" and always wondered what the big deal was. My husband happen to learn about the basics in one of his school classes. He came to me and asked why we were not using these. I really didn't have a good answer so I thought I better do a bit of research!
If you are new to essential oils (like I was a few months ago), let's first go over a few basics.

What are essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated natural oils from plants. Not only does it extract the strong scent of the plant, but also the healing properties. The term "oil" is almost deceiving, because essential oils are not actually an oil like we think of. They are an oil in a sense of not mixing well with water, however, for example they are more of a water base than coconut oil.
How do you use them?
There are so many ways! I was actually a bit overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to do with the oils when I first got them.
Here are a few examples:
Aromatic (breathing in the oils): diffuse, burn, spray throughout home
Topical (putting on your body): directly on your body, or mix in with lotion
Internal (putting inside your body): adding to warm drink, use in cooking
What are the benefits?
There are almost too many to share! To summarize in one sentence, the oils are a natural way to benefit your overall health (when used correctly).
Are they safe for little ones?
Yes! BUT, only certain oils and only when used correctly!
*This is very important. Please do your due diligence before using essential oils, especially with children. Some oils are safer than others. You can use them in many ways, however their are restrictions for each type of use. Just like any substance, these too can be harmful if not used correctly or in the right amount.*
Just as mentioned above, there are some safe essential oils for kids, however not all are safe. I recently had the chance to try some of Plant Therapy's KidSafe products and I am so excited to share my thoughts!
Here are the two KidSafe blends that I have tried: Nighty Night and Germ Destroyer
Nighty Night is perfect for calming down before bedtime or nap time. It is really relaxing and smells great too! I actually like to use this for me as well.
For my little one, I add a few drops and mix it with some bubble bath at bath time. I have also diluted some in lotion to rub on her belly (if a bath didn't happen that day).
Germ Destroyer is used to help protect against seasonal cold and flues. At first, I was thinking, how could an oil actually do this...? Well I really believe it helps!
In the past few months, there have been several times when either my daughter or myself were starting to feel the sniffles or under the weather, and we decided to give this a try. I would add a few drops to a base lotion and rub it on. Every time we used it we did not get the full sickness as normal! It was amazing!
You can use both of these in so many ways. Add it to a bubble bath, add to lotion, diffuse, use in cleaning products; the possibilities are endless! I really loved both of these and I am so happy I have finally tried essential oils and found ones that are safe for kids!
If you are wanting to try essential oils or are experienced with using them, you will love them. They are having some amazing deals this week so don't miss it! Check them out HERE! (Affiliate)
And because we love you so much, we are also going to do a little giveaway so check the details on my Facebook page. :)